Monday, June 2, 2008

A Millionaire Mind: T. Harv Eker

I was able to glimpse of book on T. Harv Eker's Secret's of a Millionaire Mind. It was a small paperback book on National Bookstore. In my compulsive buying of wealth building books this is a definite gold mine of information for me in achieving that success in life. In the first few pages, the author describes the psychology or way of thinking of some folks on what they say regarding rich people, the middle class and the poor people especially how they describe themselves in a way and also how they perceive money.

Most Pinoys think of money as a thing to dispose immediately, they never think of the long term goal, always the short term due to impatience and the mindset of earning quick buck as they seldom think of their future. Filipinos always blame and make scapegoats of the government, the church, other people etc. They need to think first before blaming everybody. I know that we are not going anywhere if we blame everybody. We assess ourselves, plan and later take immediate action in resolving the problems.

Most Pinoys do not save a portion of their money which is essential for their future. A sample of things essential and necessity are basic life insurance, fruitful retirement fund, allocation and diversification of wealth through passive income and others. The fact is that, we need to change our spending habits, avoiding temptation of compulsive buying or things we do not really need and feel guilty in the end so we need to differentiate the needs from wants.

Financial reprogramming ( Your Money Blueprint) - changing the way of thinking on how we perceive money is the answer if you act on it. Did you know that the rich people are working more hours than the average person is. Rich people are determined to be rich if they work smartly and hard. Did you know that rich people also admire other rich people because they get inspired to be like them on what they are today.

In an article last month on Philippine Star's front page column. There is an article that caught my attention. Does Money buy you happiness? A lot of people say "YES" but isn't this ironic for all that money is not the solution to all of this madness in our world. 85% would still prefer health than money because "in good health you can still create wealth".

As I was reading throughly through its pages, T. Harv Eker included Wealth files in guiding the reader on the things he/she needs to ponder of. Included also are the inspirational story of few of T. Harv Eker's students who attended the seminar on the Millionaire Mind in the United States and Canada. I know there is no Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar like in the North America but someone would come up with this and bring it to the our shores here in the Philippines. I would definitely would like to attend this seminar.

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